Quick-and-Easy Fat-Burning Recipes-Salmon Noodle Bowl

Foods that fight fat
Lose weight and keep the pounds off quick or easy process is not one, but some simple tips to lose weight can be a big help on the way. Our favorites ? Eat lots of protein, fiber and healthy carbohydrates that stimulate the metabolism and keep you feeling full throughout the day .

If you're not sure how these ingredients to burn calories in your daily diet works , start with these recipes. All have at least one super weight loss and better yet, that can be performed in 30 minutes or less!

This meal provides 30 minutes of premium quality nutritional ingredients and increase metabolism in a single container . Salmon and avocado are loaded with healthy fats, and noodles and vegetables are rich in fiber.

Asparagus is the unsung hero of this dish , which offers a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals , including vitamins A and C , folic acid and iron.

Preparation time: 8 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Yield : 2 servings ( serving size : 2 1/ 4 cups)
nutritional information
Calories per serving :
Fat per serving :
21.9 g
Saturated fat per serving :
Monounsaturated fats per serving :
Polyunsaturated fats per serving :
6.4 g
Protein per serving :
Carbohydrates per serving :
Fiber per serving :
Cholesterol per serving :
54 mg
Iron per serving :
Sodium per serving :
Calcium per serving :
58 mg


4 oz buckwheat soba noodles or whole wheat spaghetti
5 oz asparagus, cut into thirds
cooking spray
1 ( 6 oz ) salmon fillet , skin , cut into 8 pieces
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
Zest and juice of 1-2 lemons ( juice 3 tablespoons )
Kosher salt 1/4 tsp
1/4 teaspoon pepper
4 oz cucumber , with skin, cut into medium pieces
1/2 small avocado , cut into small pieces

1. Cook noodles in boiling water until tender ( about 6 minutes soba , spaghetti 8 ) . Transfer with tongs to a colander. Add the asparagus to boiling water itself . Cook until al dente ( about 2 minutes) , rinse with cold water.

Two . Heat a griddle or skillet over medium -high heat. Coat lightly with cooking spray. Cook the salmon until cooked through , turning pieces ( about 2-3 minutes per side ) . Reserve.

Three . Prepare the dressing : Mix sesame oil , lemon zest and juice , salt and pepper in a small bowl. Mix noodles , asparagus and vinaigrette in a medium bowl service .

April . Add cucumber and avocado and toss to coat . Just before serving , add the salmon. Warm or room temperature or up to 4 hours before serving and refrigerate in an airtight container .

Good to know
The omega -3 in salmon and other fatty fish help build more muscle and more muscle means more calories burned.


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